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Quick and Easy Sprouted Ragi Malt Recipe

When you think of Ragi, most of us are likely to think of squishy baby porridge. However, Ragi is much more than that! There are so many things you can make with Ragi, like cookies, laddus and even buttermilk!

Nutritional Benefits of Ragi

While ragi has all these benefits, there is a way to increase them – by sprouting. Sprouted ragi has a higher bio-availability of iron and is easier to digest, even by little kids. Today we have a drink that uses sprouted ragi malt that has the best of sprouted ragi and almonds – a quick and easy sprouted ragi malt recipe for kids and adults!

Quick and Easy Sprouted Ragi Malt Recipe

sprouted ragi malt



1. Heat milk in a saucepan. Once it boils, turn off the heat.

sprouted ragi malt

2. In a cup add ragi malt and jaggery.

sprouted ragi malt

3. Pour the hot milk into the cup. Stir well and serve.

sprouted ragi malt

sprouted ragi malt

This is a great drink for the rainy season, especially when kids’ appetites fall due to cold and flu. However, you can chill this and use it as a summer drink as well. The best part is that there is no added sugar in this drink; it’s sweetened naturally with jaggery and flavored with cardamom. So now you have a sugar-free drink that is yummy and healthy for the whole family!

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Quick and Easy Sprouted Ragi Malt Recipe
Ragi isn't just for baby porridge, it's very healthy for kid and adults! Treat the whole family to a yummy drink with our quick and easy Sprouted Ragi Malt Recipe.
Recipe type: Drinks
Cuisine: Indian
  • 1 tbsp of Little Moppet Foods Sprouted Ragi Malt
  • 1 tsp Jaggery
  • 150 ml Milk
  1. Heat milk in a saucepan. Once it boils, turn off the heat.
  2. In a cup add ragi malt and jaggery.
  3. Pour the hot milk into the cup. Stir well and serve.