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10 Nutritious Fruit Puree Recipe for Babies

Fruits form an integral part of the baby’s nutrition and introducing fruits early in life helps to develop better eating habits later in life. These 10 Nutritious Fruit Puree Recipe for babies are made in such a way that it is easy to prepare and loaded with nutrients.

The Indian Association of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding as the exclusive source of nutrition till 6 months of age. After 6 months if your baby shows the Signs of Readiness for Foods and if your pediatrician gives a go ahead signal, you can start solids for your baby.

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How to make Fruit Purees for Baby at home?

10 Nutritious Fruit Puree Recipe for Babies

10 Nutritious Fruit Puree Recipes for babies

1. Apple Puree Recipe For Babies

apple puree for babies

Apple can be given from the 5 th month or 6 th month and is one of the perfect first food for babies. The sweet taste of the apple may be appeasing for the baby’s taste buds.Apple puree is rich in dietary fiber and helps prevent constipation.

For detailed recipe , check ” How to make Apple Puree for Babies”

2. Pear Puree Recipe for Babies

Pear puree recipe for babies

Pear is also a perfect first food for babies and can be given from 5 th month or 6 month and is safe to give for babies with GERD.

For detailed recipe ” How to make Pear Puree for Babies “

3. Apple Pear Puree Recipe For Babies

apple pear puree with cinnamon

Apple and Pear together with a dash of cinnamon taste great, do check out the recipe below. They can be given after having tried apple and pear separately

Apple Pear Puree with Cinnamon

4. Banana Puree Recipe for Babies

How to make Banana Puree for Babies

Banana makes yet another perfect first food for babies and can be started either in 5th month or 6th month.


1 medium sized ripe banana
Pinch of elachi powder – optional


Peel and cut the banana into dices
Mash with fork or blender
Add elachi , it helps in easy digestion


Once pureed it may become brown and it is normal for them to change color.
Bananas are rich in potassium, fiber and vitamins
Eating a large quantity may cause constipation

5. Papaya Puree Recipe for Babies

How to make papaya puree for babies

Papaya  is  called the “Fruit of the angels ” and papaya puree for baby is one of the quickest food that can be done in a jiffy . It can be given after 6 months after the introduction of other first foods.

6. Banana Papaya Puree Recipe for Babies

how to make banana papaya puree for babies

Some babies may not like papaya, for those babies combining papaya with Banana makes a yummy puree.

How to make Banana Papaya Puree for babies?


1/2 ripe papaya

1 banana


Puree them separately and add together

 7. Avocado Puree Recipe for Babies

Avocado Puree recipe for babies

Avocado can be given from 6 months.

Benefits of Avocado for Babies

  1. They are rich in unsaturated fats which are beneficial for the growth and development of Brain and Central nervous system.
  2. They are also rich in beta carotene, folate, potassium and caretenoid lutein.

How to make Avocado Puree for Babies?


Half an avocado


Cut the Avocado
Scoop the contents.
Mash it with fork or blend it in blender.

 8. Kiwi Puree Recipe for Babies

Kiwi Puree recipe for babies

Kiwi puree can be given to baby after 6 months after the introduction of other first foods.

Benefits of Kiwi for Babies

  1. It is rich in Fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
  2. It is acidic so may cause diaper rash or even mouth rash too, so if your baby is allergic to such foods, it is good to avoid Kiwi.

How to make Kiwi Puree for Babies?


1 Kiwi Fruit


Peel the skin
Cut them into small pieces
Steam them
Blend them in a mixer.
They can be sieved to remove the seeds or served with the seeds as they do not pose any choking hazard

 9. Chikoo / Sapota /Sapodilla Puree Recipe for Babies

chikoo sapota sapodilla puree recipe for babies

Chikoo or Sapota or Sapodilla Puree can be given from 7 th month.

Click the link for step by step recipes

Sapota/Chikoo/Sapodilla  Puree recipe for Babies

10. Mango Puree Recipe for Babies

Mango Puree Recipe for Babies

Mango can be given to babies after 6 months after the introduction of other foods. Please follow the 3 day rule while introducing mangoes as they may cause allergy in some babies.


Half Ripe Mango


Peel the skin of the Mango
Remove the Seed
Either mash it nicely with a fork or blend in a blender

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