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Can I give my Baby Chikoo/Sapota /Sapodilla?


Chikoo is also known as Sapota or Sapodilla. It is widely available in the Indian Subcontinent and Central America.

When Can I give my Baby Sapota/ Chikoo / Sapodilla?

Chikoo or sapota or sapodilla can be given after 7 months for babies.

Health Benefits of Sapota/Chikoo/Sapodilla for Babies, Toddlers Kids

  1. It has high fiber content and aids easy digestion and prevents constipation.
  2. The fruit is rich in Vitamin A and C.
  3. The fruit is an excellent source of Iron, copper and potassium.
  4. It is also effective home remedy against cold and cough
  5. It helps in developing a good immune system for babies.

How to make Chikoo/Sapota/Sopadilla Puree for Babies?

chikoo sapota sapodilla puree recipe for babies


1 Chikoo


1. Cut the chikoo into half.

how to make chikoo sapota sapodilla puree for babies

2. Remove the seeds.

3. Mash with a fork or blend in a blender.

chikoo sapota sapodilla puree for babies

chikoo sapota sapodilla puree for babies

4. A little breastmilk or formula can be added to enhance the taste.

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Chikoo/Sapota /Sapodilla Puree
Chikoo or Sapota or Sapodilla can be given to babies after 7 months and are rich in Iron and vitamins
Recipe type: Puree
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 1
  • 1 chikoo
  1. Cut the chikoo into half.
  2. Remove the seeds.
  3. Mash with a fork or blend in a blender
  4. A little breastmilk or formula can be added to enhance the taste.