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15 Super foods that boost immune system in children

Are you worried that your child falls ill frequently and attracts every bug that passes through your area?

Don’t Worry!!! Here is a list of 15 foods that boost the immune system that helps improve your child’s resistance to diseases, whatever the season may be!

What is Immunity?


Immunity refers to the ability of the immune system, the body’s biological structures, processes and organs that are specially developed for fighting off infections and hence preventing illnesses.

The purpose of the immune system is to protect the body against infection. It helps to identify and destroy the millions of microbes (i.e. bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) that penetrate our bodies every day. Enhancement of the immune system is perhaps the most important step in achieving resistance to disease and reducing susceptibility to colds, flu etc.

Foods that Boost Immune System

Food acts a Natural Healer and helps boost our Immune system. It is also the easiest and most cost-effective way to build your immunity, so eat your way to good health with these super-foods!

1. Leafy Vegetables


Vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes and other leafy green veg help in fighting against infection. Loaded with nutrients, antioxidants like beta carotene and other carotenoids as well as other vitamins essential for a healthy immune system.

2.Root Vegetables


According to Chinese medicine, root vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, and potatoes are immune strengthening and work specific to the respiratory system.

3. Garlic, onions, and ginger


The sulphur compounds present in onion and garlic are said to prevent cancer. The active compounds -flavanoids in all three are immune boosting. The active compounds are Anicillin in garlic, Quercetin in onions. shagaols and gingerols in ginger.

It aids digestion and keeps gastritis at bay and also enhances heart health.

4. Cayenne peppers


Pepper contains the chemical capsaicin, a rich source of vitamin C that aids your immune system in fighting colds and flu.

5. Squash or Pumpkin


They are loaded with antioxidants, Vit A, Vit C, manganese, magnesium to some extent n a rich source of folate.

6. Apricots


They are packed with Vit A, Vit C, potassium and good fiber.

7. Citrus Fruits


Oranges, lime, guavas have a good amount of Vit C and antioxidants.

8. Berries


The berries strawberry, blackberry, raspberries,blueberry, and cranberry contain phytochemical and flavonoids. They are rich in antioxidants too and help in building the immune system.

9. Pulses


Lentils rich source of Protein and are the building blocks of our body rich in folate and potassium

10. Peas


It is also rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids, and polyphenols.

11. Sprouts


While all food groups have their own set of health benefits, sprouting them increases these benefits manifold. Not just that, by sprouting, the hidden nutrients also become more bio-available, that is, they are made easier to absorb by the body. You can get the benefits of sprouts with our collection of sprouted food products like Sprouted Sathumaavu Health Mix and Sprouted Ragi Powder.

12. Nuts and seeds


Nuts are almonds, walnut,seeds are pumpkin seeds,flaxseeds,sunflower seeds. Nuts and seeds are rich in Vitamin E which is an important antioxidant and immune booster.

You can easily make Dry Fruits Powder for babies at home or save time and buy it here.

13. Curd/Yogurt


Curd has ‘good bacteria’ or Probiotics which are nowadays widely marketed as health shots to be had daily .It strengthens your immune system by fighting against several microorganisms.

14. Turmeric


Turmeric has anti microbial properties. It has curcurmin which is an antioxidant and has anti inflammatory properties.

Click to know ” When to give spices for your baby? “

15. Honey

Honey has antimicrobial properties. Moreover it coats the throat and eases irritation of throat.

Note- Honey should be given only after 1 year of baby.

16. Health Mixes


For young children who are picky eaters, a great way to ensure they get the benefits of immune-boosting foods is by opting for all in one solutions like Health Mixes. These mixes are specially formulated to fulfill the dietary requirements of fussy toddlers and picky eaters by using an assortment of whole grains, lentils, nuts and seeds. You can try any of the following:

A healthy diet is the KEY to immunity.

Along with this make sure your child gets enough sleep. Proper rest is needed for repair and growth of cells and is crucial for developing a healthy immune system.

Keep the child away from anxiety and stress since stress lowers immunity. Also make sure that your kids get enough physical activity and spend at least some time outdoors everyday.


Homeopathy can help build one’s immunity. Even if you are not physically ill, homoeopathy can improve your mental and emotional well-being and is able to boost your energy and immunity.

The Father of Homeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann said, “Constitutional homeopathic remedies can help strengthen our weak areas and act deeper in our system to help us stay balanced in life”.


Homeopathy is a gentle, holistic system of healing. It is based on the principal “Similia Similibus Curanter” which means “like cures like”. The aim of Homeopathy is the restoration of order and harmony in vital functioning of the individual person.

Homeopathic remedies help strengthen the immunity by stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself by giving very small doses of highly diluted substances that in larger doses would produce similar illness or symptoms. The best thing about homeopathic remedies is that they are safe and without any side effects. The remedies are FDA approved and FDA points out that it is almost impossible to find any active ingredient in it.

If homeopathic remedies are not helping you quickly that means your immunity is very low and it would take you a much longer time to respond to the remedies.

When I say a long time it can be months or years. Homeopathic Remedies not only stimulate a depressed immune system but can also tone down an overactive immune system.

Hence homeopathic remedies act as immune modulating remedies.

For this a classical homeopath records all the symptoms in a homeopathic evaluation. A homeopath tries to uncover symptoms and idiosyncrasies (including one’s sleep positions, food cravings, hobbies, dreams, and fears) to define one’s personality on all levels–physical, emotional, mental.

Based on this detailed understanding, the homeopath then finds/chooses remedy that most closely matches one’s physical symptoms and traits.

Homeopathic remedies helps by boosting the immune system, replenishing the energy levels of the body and rejuvenating the mind. Homeopathy can produce harmony between mind, and body. Having a healthy mind and positive thinking will certainly help boost your immunity.

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Author Bio

Dr. Bhavi Mody is a postgraduate in Homeopathy with over 20 years of clinical experience. She specializes in providing not just Homeopathy to her clients but has evolved a structured program for providing a light and sweet solution to a heavy problem obesity. Her core USP is Women and Child care with homeopathy and nutritional support.

You can connect with her on Facebook: https:/www.facebook.com/vrudhihwc