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Applesauce Recipe for Babies

I have already posted the apple puree recipe for babies, what is the difference between apple puree and applesauce recipe for babies, you may ask. There is not much of a difference except that apple puree is made by steaming the apples and in apple sauce we allow them stew over low flame for a long time. This applesauce recipe is without sugar.

Apple sauce can be used as a healthy spread for breads and rotis.

Applesauce Recipe For Babies

Easy one pot homemade apple sauce recipe for babies


2 apples


  1. Rinse, peel and chop the apples.
  2. Place them in a sauce pan or pan.
  3. Add water,the water should just about cover the apples.
  4. Bring this mixture to a simmer on a low to medium flame.
  5. You can also add spices like cinnamon or nutmeg.
  6. Simmer till they become soft. you can either puree or mash them.

The colour of the apple sauce mainly depends upon the type of apple used.

Nutritional information of Apple

Apples are good sources of dietary fiber and Vitamin C.

Dietary fiber helps in prevention of constipation.

Energy-52 kilocalories per 100gm.

What dish be done with the apple sauce?

1. Apple Roti

2. This apple sauce can be used in this Eggless Whole Wheat Apple Cake

3. Apple Muffins

You can replace the all purpose flour with whole wheat flour in the recipe.

Applesauce Recipe
A simple and easy sauce recipe using apple
Recipe type: Spread
Cuisine: World
Serves: 4
  • 2 Apples
  1. Rinse, peel and chop the apples.
  2. Place them in a sauce pan or pan.
  3. Add water,the water should just about cover the apples.
  4. Bring this mixture to a simmer on a low to medium flame.
  5. You can also add spices like cinnamon or nutmeg.
  6. Simmer till they become soft. you can either puree or mash them
The colour of the apple sauce depends mainly on the type of apple used.