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Wheat Eggless Apple Cake with Pomegranate


I am a die hard apple fan but making my son eat even a piece of apple is a big task.so I took my mom’s help and she advised me this Eggless Apple cake which also has pomegranate his favorite fruit.

And bingo it was an immediate hit.

So sharing this recipe of this eggless apple cake  with you.

This cake recipes is designed for toddlers, for babies below 1 year, you can skip the sugar.

How to make Wheat Eggless Apple Cake with Pomegranate?

Eggless apple cake


1. In a pan add apple and sugar and cook till its completely mixed to get a marmalade like consistency.

Wheat Eggless Apple Cake

Wheat Eggless Apple Cake
2. Allow it to cool.
3. Sieve flour,baking powder,baking soda and cinnamon powder.

eggless apple cake
4. Once the Apple mix is cooled add oil to it.

eggless apple cake
5. Mix evenly.
6. Now add the flour mixture.

eggless apple cake
7.Add milk to get the dropping consistency.Now add the pomegranate pearls.

Eggless Apple Cake

8. Grease a baking tin with oil and dust it with flour.Pour the mixture in it.

Eggless Apple Cake
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 deg Celsius for 40 to 45 minutes.
10. Do the toothpick test.

Your cake is ready.


Serve with apple smoothie or any milkshake.

For more Healthy Cake Recipes for Kids Click Here

Recipe by Kanika Aggarwal Garg

KanikaKanika has a masters in computer science and now a stay at home mom to 15 month cute little boy Onish 🙂

She loves to cook and tries new and yummy recipes to make her fussy toddler to eat.

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