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Importance of Deworming Children & Babies

You would have heard the term “Deworming” either during visits to your pediatrician or through the government drive in mass deworming.

Importance of Deworming Children

What does Deworming mean?

Deworming is a prophylactic measure to prevent children from worm infestation.

WHO recommends periodic treatment with antihelminthics (drugs which treat worm infestation) without individual diagnosis to all children who are at risk living in an endemic region.1

WHO estimates that in developing countries like India preschool children (2-5 years of age), school-age children
and pregnant women (second and third trimester) are at risk and would benefit from Deworming. 2

What does worm infestation mean?

Worm infestation means the disease caused by parasitic worms such as round worm, whip worm, and hook worm.

How are they transmitted?

What do they do

1. The worms feed on body organs including blood to cause anemia, deficiency of iron and proteins.

2. They also cause a deficiency of Vitamin A.

3. They cause loss of appetite, thereby leading to

I have a clean and hygienic environment at home, should I deworm my children”

“Yes, it is absolutely necessary to deworm your children because, even though your home is hygienic with good sanitation measures, children are constantly exposed to contaminated environment in school, playground, restaurants, school transport etc which may lead to infection.

Is India an endemic area?

“Yes it is”

WHO has estimated that around 7 crore preschool children and 17 crore school children need deworming in India.

Medicines used for Deworming

The medicine used for deworming is Albendazole.

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Please note: The above article is only for informational purposes, please consult your pediatrician before administering medicine.


1. Â WHO