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How to Sterilize Baby Feeding Equipment and Utensils

Sterilizing the baby feeding bowls and spoons is a must to do while starting solids for your little one. I have been wanting to write on how to sterilize baby feeding equipment for a long time now. I wanted to show how it is done with a video and was just lazy to shoot a video.

Well atlast it is done with my hubby as the cinematographer ;-). The voice is not very clear ( excuse for a first timer please!!) so if you don’t understand what I am saying I have described them in detail in words below.

How to Sterilize Baby Feeding Equipment and Utensils

1. Take a wide vessel with a handle.

2. Heat water till it comes to a boil.

3. Since I use a Mixie jar for pureeing my daughter’s food, I sterilized the mixie jar too.

4. Pour the hot water into the mixie jar and close it with a lid.

5. Now drop the feeding items like cup, spoons into the hot water and cover them with a lid.

6. Leave it for 10 minutes.

7. After 10 minutes remove the items one by one and you are ready to start feeding your little one 🙂

More useful links for starting solids

1. How to know your baby is ready to start solids?

2. What is 3 Day Rule?

3. Baby Food charts for every month.

Do subscribe to my Youtube Channel Here. There are more useful videos coming !!!

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