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Roasted Chickpeas Snack for Kids

One feature of Indian vegetarian cuisine is the large number of beans, pulses and lentils that are available. Each one has it’s own unique way of cooking too, and including them all in our diet ensures a good balance of all their combined health benefits.

Roasted Chickpeas Snack

Of the different dried beans, chickpeas, also called chana, are one of the most popular. And with good reason too – not only are they delicious, they are loaded with nutrients. Chickpeas are great for everyone, particularly for kids because of the following reasons:

Chickpeas can be prepared in various ways, but a favorite with kids is a Roasted Chickpeas Snack. It is easy to make and non-messy too, making it an ideal snack when on the go.

Roasted Chickpeas Snack

Roasted Chickpeas Snack



1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Pat chickpeas dry with a paper towel if necessary.

2. Arrange chickpeas on a baking sheet in a single layer and roast for about 30-35 minutes, shaking the pan every ten minutes. All ovens are different so make sure they don’t burn. They will be golden brown and crunchy on the inside when done, not moist.

3. In a medium bowl, combine the salt, garlic powder and cheese, if using. Remove chickpeas from oven when done and spray with cooking spray. Immediately toss with spices while hot. Cool and serve in small bowls.

You can customize this snack with spices that your child is fond of and can skip the cheese if you like. This is a great alternative to all the packaged snacks you get these days, so do try it out!

Roasted Chickpeas Snack
Chickpeas are an economical and nutritious way to ensure kids are always full of energy and alert. Makes a great alternative to store-bought snacks!
Recipe type: Snack
Cuisine: Indian
  • 400 gms cooked chickpeas
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ⅛ tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • Grated Parmesan cheese (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 400°. Pat chickpeas dry with a paper towel if necessary.
  2. Arrange on a baking sheet in a single layer and roast for about 30-35 minutes, shaking the pan every ten minutes. All ovens are different so make sure they don't burn. They will be golden brown and crunchy on the inside when done, not moist.
  3. In a medium bowl, combine the salt, garlic powder and cheese, if using. Remove chickpeas from oven when done and spray with cooking spray. Immediately toss with spices while hot. When cool, serve in small bowls.


dhvani shahDhvani Shah RD, ND, PG (Dietetics), BSc, C.D.E.
Ms. Dhvani Shah is a consulting dietician and naturopathic nutritionist. She has done extensive research in traditional diet therapies and naturopathy and its relevance in modern context and is pioneering drugless healing and well being through her unique approach – FIMS. She runs the “FIMS clinic” which supports a body-mind-spirit approach. Dhvani specialises in Woman and Child Nutritionist by developing specialized nutrition programs, conducting workshops, developing nutritious recipes and now – writing a series of books on Child Nutrition, Women Wellness & Scientific Jain diet.
