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Potato Puree for Babies

Potato Puree makes an excellent first food for babies. It has a soft consistency, easily mashable and it is the least allergenic food.Start with little quantity as some babies may develop tummy upset due to gas.

Please don’t forget the 3 Day Rule before introducing any new food.

How to select potatoes

Select a potato that is free of blemishes, cracks and soft spots. Avoid potatoes that have began sprouting as it means they are old.

How to make Potato Puree for Babies?

potato puree

1.Sterilize all the utensils needed for making the Puree either using a Sterilizer or boiling them in hot water.

2. Clean the potato with water and peel the skin.

3. Chop the potato into small cubes.

4. Place the potato cubes in a small bowl in cooker filled partially with water.

5. Allow one to 2 Whistles.

6. Switch off the flame.

7. The Potatoes will be very soft, mash them with a masher or thick spoon.

8. Add breast milk or formula feed to make it a little runny.

9. Your Potato Puree is ready.

Check out our recipe video here for more instructions:

Nutritional Information

100g of Potatoes yield 77kcal of energy.

The potato is rich in minerals, vitamins and also an assortment of phytochemicals such as carotenoids and natural phenols.

The Potato is best known for its carbohydrate content, a medium-sized potato contains about 26 gms.

5.0 from 5 reviews
Potato Puree
Potato puree is tasty and yummy first food for baby
Recipe type: Puree
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 1
  • 1 medium sized potato
  1. Potato Puree makes an excellent first food for babies. It has a soft consistency, easily mashable and it is the least allergenic food.Start with little quantity as some babies may develop tummy upset due to gas.
  2. Please don't forget the 3 Day Rule before introducing any new food.
  3. How to select potatoes
  4. Select a potato that is free of blemishes, cracks and soft spots. Avoid potatoes that have begun sprouting as it means they are old.
  5. How to make Potato Puree
  6. Sterilize all the utensils needed for making the Puree either using a Sterilizer or boiling them in hot water.
  7. Clean the potato with water and peel the skin.
  8. Chop the potato into small cubes.
  9. Place the potato cubes in a small bowl in cooker filled partially with water.
  10. Allow one to 2 Whistles.
  11. Switch off the flame.
  12. The Potatoes will be very soft, mash them with a masher or thick spoon.
  13. Add breast milk or formula feed to make it a little runny.
  14. Your Potato Puree is ready.
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photo credit: erecepti.com via photopin cc