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Pineapple Carrot Puree for Babies

Pineapple is a delicious tropical fruit which also has loads of health benefits, like being rich in Vitamin C. It can be added to a baby’s diet after 8 months of age. Since it is fibrous, it needs to be cooked before being fed to babies under 1 year. Here, pineapple and carrot are cooked and pureed together in a delicious pineapple carrot puree for babies. The puree can be flavored with roasted cumin powder if you like.

Pineapple Carrot Puree for Babies

Introduce your baby to some tongue tickling flavors with this yummy Pineapple Carrot Puree that combines the best of fruits and vegetables!



1. Steam the carrot and pineapple chunks for 7-10 minutes. You can get a steamer like the one showed in the image here.

Pineapple Carrot Puree

2. Make sure the pieces are well cooked. Cool to room temperature and transfer to a blender jar.

Pineapple Carrot Puree

3. Pulse 3-4 times until a smooth puree is formed. You may add little drinking water to the blender to attain a desirable consistency.

Pineapple Carrot Puree

4. If you like, you can flavor the puree with roasted cumin powder before serving.

Introduce your baby to some tongue tickling flavors with this yummy Pineapple Carrot Puree that combines the best of fruits and vegetables!

Once your baby is past the first stage of weaning with single fruit or veggie purees, you can move on to combining different fruits and vegetables. This pineapple and carrot puree is a great combo, where the flavors of both ingredients are well balanced with just the right amount of tickle for your little one’s taste buds!

Introduce your baby to some tongue tickling flavors with this yummy Pineapple Carrot Puree that combines the best of fruits and vegetables!

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Pineapple Carrot Puree for Babies
Introduce your baby to some tongue tickling flavors with this yummy Pineapple Carrot Puree that combines the best of fruits and vegetables!
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Indian
  • ½ cup pineapple chunks
  • 1 small carrot, chopped roughly
  • Pinch of roasted cumin powder
  1. Steam the carrot and pineapple chunks for 7-10 minutes.
  2. Make sure the pieces are well cooked. Cool to room temperature and transfer to a blender jar.
  3. Pulse 3-4 times until a smooth puree is formed. You may add little drinking water to the blender to attain a desirable consistency.
  4. If you like, you can flavor the puree with roasted cumin powder before serving.