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Milkmaid Coconut Ladoo Recipe for Toddlers

My toddler’s preschool has fun celebrations for Rakshabandhan and this year, Moms had to bring in some sweet treats for everyone to share and enjoy. I had to think of something that wasn’t excessively sweet, but was yummy and toddler-friendly at the same time, not to mention easy and quick to prepare! Finally, I decided upon this Milkmaid Coconut Laddoo recipe, which is super easy to make and requires very minimal ingredients.

Milkmaid Coconut Ladoo Recipe for Toddlers

milkmaid coconut ladoo


200 gm Milkmaid Condensed Milk
1 3/4 cup Grated coconut
1/2 tsp Cardamom powder
Almond slivers for garnishing
1/4 cup Dessicated coconut for rolling

milkmaid coconut ladoo


1. In a heavy bottomed pan, add the condensed milk and grated coconut. Keep stirring on a low flame till the mixture starts thickening.

milkmaid coconut ladoo

2. Add the cardamom powder. Continue stirring on a low flame till the mixture leaves the pan.

milkmaid coconut ladoo

3. Transfer the mixture to another bowl and let it cool. Once cool enough to handle, make small ladoos out of the dough. If the mixture is too runny rather than dough-like, heat it again till thick enough.

4. Roll the ladoos in grated coconut till evenly coated. Garnish with almond silvers.

milkmaid coconut ladoo

Your coconut ladoos are ready to be devoured!

milkmaid coconut ladoo

A milkmaid coconut ladoo will last well for 4-5 days in the refrigerator. That is, if there are any leftovers to store; the ones we made were a hit with all the kids and even the teachers!! So the next time you have a tin of condensed milk lying around, you know what to do!

Milkmaid Coconut Ladoo Recipe for Toddlers
Ladoos are always a hit with little kids and these coconut flavored ladoos are sure to disappear within no time!
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Indian
  • 200 gm Milkmaid Condensed Milk
  • 1¾ cup Grated coconut
  • ½ tsp Cardamom powder
  • Almond slivers for garnishing
  • ¼ cup Dessicated coconut for rolling
  1. In a heavy bottomed pan, add the condensed milk and grated coconut. Keep stirring on a low flame till the mixture starts thickening.
  2. Add the cardamom powder. Continue stirring on a low flame till the mixture leaves the pan.
  3. Transfer the mixture to another bowl and let it cool. Once cool enough to handle, make small ladoos out of the dough. If the mixture is too runny rather than dough-like, heat it again till thick enough.
  4. Roll the ladoos in grated coconut till evenly coated. Garnish with almond silvers.