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Instant Elaichi Wheat Dalia Porridge Powder Recipe

You’re probably feeding your baby ragi porridge every day and wondering why he’s turning up his nose at it. You forget that babies are little people too, and they get bored!! So unless you want a lifetime of ‘nose-turning’, let your munchkin get used to different tastes. If you’re wondering if it’s possible to have a lot of variety for something like porridge, let’s assure you, it is!!

One of our most popular posts is the one on 15 Instant porridge recipes and you can use this as a starting point when creating a meal plan for your baby. Today’s recipe is the latest addition to our porridge series, and this time we have answered many Moms’ requests for a dalia recipe. The result – Instant Elaichi Wheat Dalia Porridge Powder!

Please note that this porridge is a little lumpy, so it is better suited to babies above 8 months of age.

Instant Elaichi Wheat Dalia Porridge Powder

wheat dalia porridge



1. Dry roast the ingredients separately.

2. Grind all the roasted ingredients together, to a powder.

3. Store in an airtght box. It will last for 1 month under clean and dry storage conditions.

wheat dalia porridge

No time to prepare this powder at home? Don’t worry, we prepare it hygienically and ship it to your doorstep

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To make Instant Elaichi Wheat Dalia Porridge for Babies:

1. Take approximately 4 tbsp of the porridge powder mix in a heat proof bowl.

2. Add 100 ml of hot boiled water and stir well to get a thick consistency.

wheat dalia porridge

3. Add a teaspoon of oil or ghee to increase the energy content.

wheat dalia porridge

When cool, feed the porridge to your baby with a spoon. This instant porridge can also be fed to the child after reconstituting with dal, water, gravy, milk etc. Take up the nutritional quotient by adding mashed fruit like banana, chikoo, papaya or mango. See, there are so many ways to make a plain old porridge interesting!!

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Instant Elaichi Wheat Dalia Porridge Powder Recipe
Babies get tired of same old porridge every day; they want variety too! Make mealtimes interesting with this instant elaichi wheat dalia porridge recipe.
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 2
  • Wheat dalia - 40 g
  • Roasted Fried Gram - 20 g
  • Elaichi/Cardamom - 2 to 3 pods
  1. Dry roast the ingredients separately.
  2. Grind all the roasted ingredients together, to a powder.
  3. Store in an airtght box. It will last for 1 month under clean and dry storage conditions.
  4. To make the porridge, take 4 tbsp of the porridge powder mix in a heat proof bowl.
  5. Add 100 ml of hot boiled water and stir well to get a thick consistency.
  6. Add a teaspoon of oil or ghee to increase the energy content.