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DIY Ayurvedic Oil for Cough and Cold in Babies

We’ve often heard of the saying ‘old is gold’, and one instance where I truly agree with this is when it comes to liquid gold – a herbal oil called ‘Velichenna’. This is a traditional homemade oil from Kerala and is used to get help babies and toddlers with cold and cough. As you can imagine, ever since winter arrived, I’ve been busy making this homemade liquid gold for my baby!

diy ayurvedic oil

This oil contains many herbs, each of which has its own medicinal properties. Here is a look at the benefits of each ingredient of velichenna.

Panikoorka (Indian Borage)

diy ayurvedic oil

Panikoorka is an ayurvedic herb and the leaves are used for treating common cold, cough and fever. It is a natural anti pyretic and is very effective for babies and toddlers.

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

diy ayurvedic oil

Tulsi is a popular herb known to encourage lustrous, shiny and healthy hair.


diy ayurvedic oil

Camphor gives the oil a pleasant smell and keeps the scalp healthy. It also helps to absorb excess moisture in head and is useful for treating dandruff and an itchy scalp.


diy ayurvedic oil

Peppercorns help clear the mucus from a congested nose and provides relief during a cold.

Coconut oil

diy ayurvedic oil

This is base for this herbal oil. It is natural hair conditioner. Use only virgin coconut oil as you are using it for babies and toddlers.

Rice grains

diy ayurvedic oil

Rice grains are an important component of this oil, as the properties of starch are useful in the treatment of cold sores.

How to make DIY Ayurvedic Oil (Velichenna)


diy ayurvedic oil

Preparation method

1. Heat coconut oil in a heavy bottomed kadhai or pan on a low flame for 1 to 2 minutes.

diy ayurvedic oil

2. While the oil is heating, crush the panikoorka and tulsi leaves with a mortar and pestle.

diy ayurvedic oil

3. Add the rice grains to the oil and continue to heat for 2 minutes. Add the crushed leaves and heat till they wilt.

diy ayurvedic oil

4. Turn off the flame and allow the oil to cool. Strain the oil and add camphor and peppercorns before storing it in an air tight container.

diy ayurvedic oil



Sindhu Niha, Home Ayurveda Care