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Chinese Spring Rolls Recipe for Kids


My 19 months old son is very fascinated over chinese recipes and different snacks whenever we go out or when I make them for my family at home. He especially loves chinese spring rolls recipe that I prepare for my family.

So I decided to make it a bit kid friendly and light on his tummy.

I reduced the number of spices, skipped Ajinomoto and reduced amount of Maida.

Chinese Spring Rolls Recipe for Kids

chinese spring rolls recipe for kids


For the dough

For the filling

For the outer wrap

1. Knead a not too tight and not too soft dough with water.you need to add water slowly while needing the dough with maida.

chinese spring rolls recipe
2. Now take small ball of the dough and roll it on a flat surface with a rolling pin.

chinese spring rolls recipe
3. Cut the sides of the rolled chapati to get rectangular sheets.

chinese spring rolls recipe
4. Repeat these steps with the remaining dough to get the spring roll wrappers or sheets.
5. Your sheets should be very thin.
6. Keep them aside covered with a wet napkin.

For the Filling

chinese spring rolls recipe

1. In a wok heat the oil add onions and saute.
2.Add all the veggies and saute till they are slightly cooked but not over cooked, leave them a bit crunchy.
3. Add all the seasonings.

Maida paste needed to seal the roll

In a bowl mix maida and water to make a paste it should be thick and not runny.

Assembling the roll
1. Take a sheet.
2. Put a little filling on one corner of the sheet.

chinese spring rolls recipe
3. Apply the Maida paste in all sides of the sheet.
4. Start rolling from then side with the filling and seal it with the maida paste in the other end.

chinese spring rolls recipe
6. Repeat with the other sheets and your rolls are ready.

Deep fry this rolls and remove excess oil on kitchen napkin.
Your yummy crispy spring rolls are ready.
Serve with ketchup or green chutney.

Recipe by Kanika Aggarwal Garg

KanikaKanika has a masters in computer science and now a stay at home mom to 19 month cute little boy Onish 🙂

She loves to cook and tries new and yummy recipes to make her fussy toddler to eat.

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