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Can I give my Baby Muskmelon /Kharbuja ?

Can I give my baby muskmelon or kharbuja

Muskmelon or Kharbuja as it is called in hindi, is a seasonal fruit that is common in India during the summer months.

Can I give my Baby Muskmelon or Kharbuja ?

The flesh of muskmelon is juicy and succulent and can be given as small pieces or as puree for Babies.

The Muskmelon or Kharbuja can be given after 6 months and after introducing the first weaning foods for Babies.

Nutritional Benefits of Muskmelon/ Cantaloupe

The muskmelon is loaded with nutrients and has many health benefits

How to give Muskmelon for Babies?

Muskmelon or Kharbuja can either be given as

How to make Muskmelon / Kharbuja Puree for Babies?

Muskmelon Puree or Kharbuja Puree for babies


1 Small Ripe Muskmelon


1.Peel the muskmelon and cut into small pieces

2. Mash them either with spoon or fork to form puree.

3. The Puree can be thinned out by adding breastmilk or formula.

Travel with Ecoware

We went on a short road trip last week and my daughter hates taking muskmelon as small pieces so while travelling in the car, I cut the muskmelon and made a puree in the Ecoware Bowl and fed my baby. Easy isn’t’ !!! If you want to use ecofriendly disposable tableware during travel then Ecoware is a great choice.

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Muskmelon Puree
A refreshing yummy muskmelon puree for babies
Recipe type: Puree
Cuisine: Indian
  • 1 Small Ripe Muskmelon
  1. Peel the muskmelon
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Mash them into soft puree with help of spoon or fork
  4. Breast milk or Formula can be added to thin it out