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Apple Protein milkshake

When you hear of protein and muscle growth, it’s often accompanied by images of huge men with bulging muscles, lifting huge dumbbells at the gym and drinking weird protein shakes afterwards. Not many think of protein as an important component of women’s health, when in reality, protein is crucial for every aspect of a woman’s life!

Here are some of the reasons women need protein:

Pretty sure you’re now convinced that you absolutely need protein in your diet! However, the fact remains that many women are short on protein, which is why a supplement like our Protein Delight Powder can help. But you needn’t have it as it is; try it in a yummy recipe like an apple protein milkshake!

Apple Protein Milkshake Recipe

apple protein milkshake


apple protein milkshake


1. Peel and core the apple half. Chop it into very small pieces.

apple protein milkshake

2. In a blender jar, add the apple pieces and cinnamon, followed by the protein delight powder.

apple protein milkshake

3. Top up with the milk and blend till smooth.

apple protein milkshake

4. Chill before serving.

apple protein milkshake

This is so easy and convenient, you needn’t think twice about it! Make your milkshake as soon as you wake up and keep it in the fridge to chill. Once you’re done with your workout, it’ll be ready and waiting for you to recharge your muscles and cells – naturally and effectively!

Apple Protein milkshake
Protein is essential for everyone, but more so for women! Build your muscles and increase your endurance in a yummy way with this Apple Protein Milkshake.
Recipe type: Drinks
Cuisine: Indian
  • Half a medium apple
  • 1 tbsp Protein Delight Powder
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 cup low fat milk or water
  1. Peel and core the apple half. Chop it into very small pieces.
  2. In a blender jar, add the apple pieces and cinnamon, followed by the protein delight powder.
  3. Top up with the milk and blend till smooth.
  4. Chill before serving.