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10 Relaxing Yoga Poses for Busy Moms

Moms across the world have many common health challenges, depending upon which stage of motherhood they’re in. Postpartum Moms find that their body has changed, as has their posture. Nursing Moms often have achy necks and backs, while Moms of toddlers find that constant bending and lifting is taking a toll on their backs. Moms who work in a seated position for long find that they’ve become incredibly stiff, and can almost hear their bones creak! Add to this the natural consequence of advancing age and depleted calcium sources and you have the perfect recipe for stress and fatigue.

Most Moms would like to do something about all these issues, but time is one problem, while lack of direction is another. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 relaxing Yoga poses, specially for busy Moms like you and me. These poses are for relaxing after a hard day, or for some instant energizing when you feel exhausted.

Disclaimer: You should decide your fitness level before starting any exercise program. Please consult a doctor first if you’re pregnant, menstruating, post partum or have any kind of a health issue. If you’re a beginner, start very slow and use support like folded blankets or bolster pillows to make the poses more comfortable.

10 Relaxing Yoga Poses for Busy Moms

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

1. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Flickr Stream: Yoga Mama

Benefits: Relieves stress, calms nerves, reduces anxiety, strengthens muscles of leg

Not for: Those with back problems

2. Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Benefits: Calms the head, stretches the groin

Not for: Pregnant women, those with weak knees

3. Balasana (Child’s Pose)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Flickr Stream: Anne Wu

Benefits: Relieves stress, stretches the hips and thighs

Not for: Pregnant women and those with weak knees

4. Jathara Parivartanasana (Belly Twist)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Flickr Stream: Yoga Mama

Benefits: Stretches the back, eases stress

Not for: Those with a knee or back injury

5. Viparita Karani (Legs up the Wall Pose)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Flickr Stream: Kellinahandbasket

Benefits: Relieves anxiety and headaches, induces sleep, has anti-ageing benefits

Not for: Menstruating women, those with eye, neck or back problems

6. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Benefits: Helps with mild depression, stretches the back and opens the chest, energizes legs and spine

Not for: Those with a neck problem

7. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Flickr Stream: Yoga Mama

Benefits: Relieves stress, energizes reproductive organs, stretches thighs and groin

Not for: Those with a hip or knee injury

8. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Benefits: Calms the mind, reduces headaches and anxiety, stretches the spine and leg muscles

Not for: Those with asthma or an upset stomach

9. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Benefits: Instant energizer, stretches arms, shoulders, back, legs

Not for: Pregnant women, those with weak wrists, hypertension or stomach problems

10. Savasana (Corpse Pose)

relaxing yoga poses for busy moms

Benefits: Relieves stress, calms the mind, cools and relaxes the entire body

Not for: Those with a back injury

Once again, we’d like to stress that if you have any, that is, any kind of injury or health issue, or are pregnant, post partum or menstruating, please consult a doctor before you attempt any of the poses. As you proceed with each pose, you need to focus entirely on the body parts involved, and ease your way into it – never force anything. Extend the stretch just a little deeper with every exhalation. With time and practice, your tight muscles will gradually loosen up, and your stiffness will disappear. As you bring mindfulness into your practice, you’ll find that your body finds it easier to relax and so do you!